Tuesday, July 6, 2010

There will be nocino!

I thought I'd missed my chance, but today not one but two coworkers delivered the goods: unripe walnuts! I'm very excited that I'll get to make nocino after all. I have three bottles of vodka and several pounds of walnuts on my desk at work: too bad I rode my bike today! Fortunately one of my friends also biked and has some very cute panniers for her bike, and has offered to tote my walnuts home. I'll happily pay her in nocino...someday! It steeps for about 8 weeks, but apparently tastes best after it's aged for a year.

Yes, there will be pictures later. I'm particularly excited that I have TWO different types of green walnuts to try. I think they are black walnut and English walnut. Here's hoping I don't poison myself somewhere along the way!

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