However, in talking about nocino with a coworker, I was turned onto the idea of infusing
I cut up a ton of black mission figs (okay.. three baskets' worth),
filled six jars about half-full,
and experimented with ingredients I had on hand.
After the limoncello experience, I realize I'm better off trying a few things for the first time out, and if I find something I like, then I can make more later. In this case it'll have to wait til next year, since figs are almost out of season, but that's okay.
back row, l-r:
- figs, rum, 1 cinnamon stick, 5 cloves
- figs, rum, 3/4 vanilla bean
- figs, gin, 1/2 vanilla bean
- figs, gin, 1 cinnamon stick, 5 cloves
- figs, gin
- figs, gin, lemon peel, 3/4 vanilla bean.
Stay tuned!
oh my. This looks amazing! I've played around with various infused alcohols, but this is a new one for me. Can't wait to see how it turns out :)